Friday, January 14, 2011


Today was a day of PechaKucha. Follow the link, if you wish, for more information.

Thoughts? meh ... It is certainly a good forum for learning more about colleagues at work. It gets you up in front of the group, and ... hey ... it's something different.

'Nuff said.

It is a Friday in Boston. I slogged over to work through the narrow streets of Charlestown this morning. We are spending a couple of days at the condo in Boston to take in some Bruins games, and I have an all day meeting today, so it all works out.

Also got a chance to visit my new neighbours condo. A former colleague from work (now having moved on to greener pastures) has moved into our building. He is excited about his new digs (his girlfriend as well) and has lots of reno ideas. Not that it needs it, but it is always nice to put your own stamp on your place.

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