Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fiber in your diet

I am using Flash Builder 4.0 Premium and I kept getting the following error when I sync'd up to the project we are working on saying the the IValueObject cannot be found. This is apparently related to the com.adobe.fiber class that cannot be found.

1045: Interface IValueObject was not found.


I believe the source of the problem is the another developer generated the AS3 classes for the wsdl using 4.0.1, while I am using 4.0.0

I tried to update my version of FlashBuilder using the AdobePatchInstaller, but all it would tell me was: 'Update is not applicable'

Crap I hate chasing around after my tail like a Labrador Retriever.

A quick look at the line causing the offending error points to the com.adobe.fiber package. What kind of name is 'fiber' for a package?

Google the error and it is apparent that a couple of swc's need to be added.
Go to:
project properties > Flex Build Path [tab] Libary Path

and click 'Add SWC Folder'.
Browse to your location of these FlashBuilder swc's, in my case:

C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in/eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/

and add folders: locale and libs

I can now compile with no errors. All good.

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you so much for this! At last, relief from Flex error 1045!

    I needed this because when you change Flash Builder 4 project properties > Flex Builder Run/Debug Settings" (launch configurations), FB4 REMOVES THE SWC FOLDER REFERENCES from the Build Path!

